Saturday, November 29, 2014

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer!

Yesterday, we finally got a glimpse of the new Star Wars movie. We've all been waiting for this teaser, and it was HYPE! I heard it was not as much hype as the Phantom Menace trailer, but it was hype. If you haven't seen it, here it is.

Wasn't that awesome? Let's get to some key parts. There's a new droid! I don't think we've ever seen a droid like that. Then we get to see the new Stormtroopers.... They look true to the original but with a little makeover. Then we get a girl riding on a speeder. As IGN suggested, could this be the daughter of Han Solo and Leia? Then we get some Rebels in X-Wings. We know those are coming back now! Then we get what I think is the coolest looking lightsaber ever. They now look more like swords! And then, we get the Millennium Falcon! We know that the classic characters will not be in the movie, but now we know the same one ship will be handed down. How old is that anyway?

Well, we got an awesome trailer, leaving us hungry for more. I can't wait to see it in theaters and I really hope Disney does a good job on this movie.

Friday, November 28, 2014


I just had a great Thanksgiving! Although it started bad. The day before, our town had a snowstorm. And it was a foot deep. And it caused a power outage. Sigh.... But at least my brother Andrew came over! And we watched Frozen on a laptop. (I kiiiiind of watched it. Frozen I've seen too many times and I decided to play on my mom's Kindle and mostly listen in) The next day, still with no power, we were in blankets and coats, and we decided to go to our grandparents' house for Thanksgiving! So we brought some snacks like Salsita chips and Egg Nog (one of my favorite drinks of all time) and I got to also see my brothers Isaiah and Charles! We played games, we listened to music, Charles and others played the guitar singing Christmas songs, and everybody had a variety of turkey, mashed potatoes and other stuff! After that I showed everybody a video about how to be thankful in just one easy step that I thought was perfect for Thanksgiving. So then my sister Sophie suggested we play Mad Libs, and we made hilarious ones. Then we played Nintendo Land on my Wii U and we had a lot of fun and after that, we went to WalMart (which had some early Black Friday deals!) to get a new internet modem for my grandparents and Andrew and Isaiah. I got to see some Amiibo, Nintendo NFC figures that are compatible for Smash Bros for Wii U, and Isaiah got a couple of Xbox games. When we got home, we watched Guardians of the Galaxy. I liked it, but it had a few parts that weren't very good. And then we went to bed very late. My mom took a few pictures but not many. Here are some.

Charles, Isaiah and Andrew
 Isaiah with Charles and Andrew playing guitar
 Grandpa and Sophie playing Rummy and me in the background

Holy moly! It's Black Friday! The Christmas season has officially begun!