Sunday, April 30, 2017

So I Just Watched 9 Batman Movies...

In case you're wondering, I didn't watch those first two...

Anyway, if you follow me on Facebook, you probably know that I watched The LEGO Batman Movie at the theater. Well, that inspired me to start this big binge of all the theatrically-released feature-length live-action Batman films. This is gonna be an unconventional Movie Thoughts post, because it's a bunch of mini-reviews of nine films. Wow. This is gonna be in a weird order because I didn't watch all the movies in order of release. I'm also going to spoil all of these, so if there's one you haven't seen, you can skip right to the ones you have seen. Or if you haven't seen any of these, definitely start with Batman Begins.  With that in mind, let's start this!

Batman Begins (2005)
Well, I started with the first in the Christopher Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy because I've heard The Dark Knight was the best superhero movie ever. And I didn't have really high expectations going into this one. So my expectations were exceeded! I'm glad I decided to go with this one first, because this is the best place to start if you haven't seen any of these before. It tells the origin of the Caped Crusader quite well. The nonlinear first half was an interesting way of doing it, and even though I knew that Bruce Wayne's parents were gonna die, that scene when that happens was pretty effective! I was surprised to see both Liam Neeson and Morgan Freeman in this superhero movie. Heh. I like how they grounded everything in reality, like the Batmobile, and the way the gliding worked. I got a little confused on a few things, though, like Ra's Al Ghul being a villain being revealed earlier than I thought. Both him and Scarecrow, as villains, are great. I didn't expect Christian Bale's Batman to sound like HISHE's Batman, but I liked his voice like that. My favorite part would be when Batman first shows off against those criminals. That was an awesome way to show him off. Well, this is a great movie, and is my favorite of the series besides another one coming up.

The Dark Knight (2008)
Oh yes, this one. I don't know where to start! I guess... it was definitely the most action-packed movie I've ever seen. It seemed like every other scene was an action scene. And they were good scenes! Heath Ledger's Joker is definitely the best part about this movie. He's both scary and charming. My favorite part of the movie was when he blew up the hospital and had that great reaction. I had seen a picture of Two-Face from this movie, so I knew he was gonna be in it. And throughout the movie I was wondering whether or not Harvey Dent was gonna become him. And then I knew it when his face was up against the floor with the gasoline. It was a little weird that he went from being this hero who stood for justice to a serial killer. And... I don't have much else to say about this movie. That's the thing. The better the movie, the less you have to say about it. This is the most renowned superhero movie, but it's not my favorite. I did quite enjoy it, though. And this is my favorite Batman movie besides Batman Begins!

Batman (1989)
Oh yes, this one. I was originally gonna see just the Dark Knight Trilogy, but I got interested in this film and then Batman and Robin and I had to watch all of these films. So, this one. I thought it was gonna start with the origin story of Batman and then go off from there. But nope. It starts with a known-ish Batman, And that is done pretty well. I did watch the Honest Trailer a while before I watched this movie, because I never thought I'd see this movie. And so I counted all the times Vicky Vale screamed. And it might've been 11. I can't remember. Michael Keaton was a great Batman, but not my favorite. I did think it was weird that at night he does some hanging upside-down while his guest sleeps. Moving on, I guess there's a reason why on that poster Jack Nicholson is credited before Michael Keaton. Because he was pretty much the star! He's very funny, memorable, and maybe a little creepy. That was an interesting though convoluted origin story, and that death was surprising. He does look creepier when he's killing Bruce Wayne's parents, though, and that's another thing. That is an interesting decision to make him the killer. I don't have anything else to say except that's... different. How would I rank this movie among the last two? I thought the movie was pretty great, but not as good as Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.

Batman Returns (1992)
Alright, the sequel. I gotta say, when the beginning had this psychopathic monster baby, I was like "Whoa... That's not what I wanted to see." And then when they show Selina Kyle becoming Catwoman by falling on the ground and cats eating her I was like "whoa whoa whoa... Tim Burton, do you think cats are evil? YOU ARE WRONG!" and then throughout the movie when she was acting like a cat, that was cringey. Okay, and then Penguin. Penguin felt like he should be in a cartoon. I mean, with Joker, it's fine and enjoyable and all, but Penguin just weirded me out. Also, Gotham's inhabitants are stupid. How are they just alright with this random terrorist dude they just met becoming the mayor of Gotham and only turn against him when Batman hacks the speakers of the stage he was on? Come on! Okay, enough being negative. Michael Keaton was great the second time around, and there were a good amount of scenes that I quite enjoyed, a few even more than in the original. And though I enjoyed the original overall more, this one... stood out to me more. The music, the tone... everything. But like I said, I enjoyed the original more.

Batman: The Movie (1966)
Okay... I watched this one in a weird way. It was on Netflix, so I decided to watch this before any of the other ones. But I only watched the beginning because I was just watching it casually and got bored of it. And then there were a couple nights when I watched 10 minutes of it. But then one night... After I watched Batman Returns, I finally got to watching the rest of it. What can I say? This is ridiculous. From the suit to the villains to the effects to everything. I want to talk about everything, but I can't, so I'll just focus on a few things. 2 words: SHARK. REPELLENT. Pffffffffff. Robin said "Holy [random word]!" about 5 or 6 times, which is pretty silly. Riddler giving Batman and Robin easy to solve riddles about what they're doing next? Wow. Catwoman likes carrying around a cat.... You don't really need to do that. All the punches in this movie miss by a foot and they still react, which is hilarious. All the world leaders are so into their arguing that they don't notice that two madmen are in the room reducing them to rubble one by one. Okay then. The effects are dated as heck. For one thing, Batman and Robin are running through the streets.... well, in front of a greenscreen. And when henchmen are being shrunk, some of them are cardboard cutouts... literally. And lastly... the scene where Batman is running around with a bomb and everywhere he goes,there's two people in a bar, nuns, a couple, a mother and her baby, and then he goes to the water and there's baby ducks... and he says "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!" I loved that. Okay, I'm going too long. I better stop with this... I liked this more than Batman Returns simply because of the ridiculousness of this. It was hilarious.

Batman Forever (1995)

Alright, now we're getting into the... weirder Batman movies. Joel Schumacher thought this was a cartoon for some reason. The weirdest thing in all of this is Two-Face. From the questionable recasting to the awful makeup to the over-the-top performance to the way he does things. And The Riddler is Jim Carrey's most over-the-top performance I've seen him do. But surprisingly enough, there are some redeeming qualities. Though I didn't see him as Bruce Wayne, I didn't think Val Kilmer wasn't a bad Batman. Though Robin can be a jerk at times, I enjoyed his origin story and what he got to do in this movie. And even though Jim Carrey got a little over-the-top at times, he was still enjoyable, as he is in any movie he's in. It didn't feel like it was the same continuity as the Tim Burton Batman films, but it was supposed to be. So that was a little weird. And The Riddler's Box reminded me of the Novabox from radio drama Adventures in Odyssey, though that came after... Anyway, this is one of my least favorite Batman films.

Batman and Robin (1997)
What the heck is up with this movie?! How did anyone approve of this?! This is one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. Batman is recasted yet again as George Clooney, and the only actor that stays the same throughout all four movies is Alfred's! This is so bad... It's enjoyable. From the zooms on the Bat-Nipples and Bat-Butt to the ice puns that never leave me cold to some of the other shockingly ridiculous lines to Bat-Credit Card (never leave the cave without it!) to the awkward-looking suit to the way he turns his head. This is just full of camp and craziness. I didn't expect Mr. Freeze to have a backstory or the beginning make you think this is dark and gritty. Robin is the jerkiest jerk I have seen him as. Batgirl... wasn't bad. Though I thought it was weird that she was Alfred's niece and not Commissioner Gordon's daughter. Poison Ivy was almost as silly as Mr. Freeze, but not quite. And then Bane. Hm... Bane is stupid. I wish I hadn't seen the Honest Trailer before watching this because I want to have been surprised by a lot of these things. Well, I definitely enjoyed it more than Batman Forever, but not as much as Batman Returns.

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
And now I'm back to the Nolan films. The chronological time between this and The Dark Knight was kind of reflected by the time between when I watched these two films. Coincidentally it's what it felt like. This movie also unfolds over quite a long time, which I thought was a little weird. Christian Bale is as awesome as always, and his Batman voice is one of the best. Bane I quite liked, and I did not expect his voice to sound like that. It's also weird going from this stupid buff to this criminal mastermind. He was definitely a menace, and it was surprising seeing the things he was willing to do. Catwoman, on the other hand, I wasn't really invested in. Her acting like a cat in Batman Returns was cringey, but at least in that film she was fleshed out, more interesting, and... for lack of a better word, cool. I just didn't get that with this Catwoman. And then Bruce Wayne was in prison for quite a while, trying to get out, and I was saying "Come on! RISE!" multiple times. And then when he "died", I just knew the whole time he didn't, because you simply can't make a title superhero die. And so that removed 90% of the emotion out of it. But back to positivity. Michael Caine. I knew by this film that he is the best Alfred. All the other ones are just like "I'm Batman's butler and I help him." Michael Caine's Alfred gives him advice, shows concern for him, and is sad and regretful when Bruce Wayne "dies". He was great in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight and he was truly the best part of this movie. Oh... well now I'm going long again. This film I don't know where to rank. I don't like it quite as much as the first two Nolan films, or the 1989 one... But maybe sometime I should revisit this to see where I put this.

Batman v Superman (2016)

"Save... MARTHA!!!!"
And now we're getting to the most recent film. Okay, positive things first. Ben Affleck as Batman. That was pretty awesome. He killed it! (sometimes literally, though...) His voice especially was awesome. I don't know which is my favorite, Christian Bale or Ben Affleck. Superman wasn't bad, either. I did like that news sequence with him saving people and everybody questioning him. And Batman's fighting sequences were cool. Unpopular opinion, I actually kinda liked Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. I mean, it wasn't great, and there were a few odd moments, but he wasn't all that bad. Wonder Woman was also pretty cool. Okay, negative time. The movie had a lot in it, but it felt... a little bit empty. And while some parts I was invested in, some parts I just wasn't. And... Martha. Save... Martha... WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME!?!?! I thought that was a little silly. Their moms having the same name I wouldn't say is that silly, but the fact that Batman kept repeating "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME!?!!" over and over kinda took me out of the movie and made me chuckle. Lastly, Superman's "death". The emotion was taken out of this one too, because he's Superman! You simply just can't kill him without Kryptonite! And I didn't notice his ashes floating at the end, and so at the end I thought he was actually killed and I was like "WHAT?!" Wow. Yeah. I'm not interested in Justice League, and I'd have to see a trailer before I get excited about The Batman, even though Ben Affleck was awesome as him. Going long yet again. This is one of my least favorite Batman films besides Batman Forever. I'm sorry, I know there are some people who quite liked this movie, but... not me.

And that concludes my long collection of mini reviews. Wow. That is the longest post I've ever done, surpassing the Switch review. I hope you enjoyed it anyway! What is your favorite Batman movie? What is your least favorite? Tell me in the comments! Well, see you next week!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

So I just watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure...

Welcome to my first movie review on this blog! I'm going to call these "Movie Thoughts" and each post will be titled "So I just watched [insert movie title here]..." This'll be a recurring kind of post, as this year I have 5 movies I want to watch that are coming out this year, and many more that have been out but I've never seen before. This is one of those. And I'm spoiling the heck out of it. So there's your warning. Enjoy this long review!

 Where to start? I guess... The soundtrack! I quite liked the 80's pop/rock (not the candy). It was... cool. I'm not an expert at this, So I'll just move on. The title sequence. For a little bit, I thought that it was CGI. But as it progressed, I found it looked practical. It looks pretty odd. But at the same time dazzling. And then the opening scene with George Carlin's character, Rufus. He described the world as a thriving utopia where the water is clean, the air is clean, even the dirt is clean, and other things. And after things like The Matrix, WALL*E and Sonic '06, I'm tired of dystopian futures and I was glad to see a hopeful, lighthearted future in this movie. Also, George Carlin. I feel like I've seen him before. I looked up his filmography and all I could find that I recognized was Filmore from Cars. It's kind of ironic how he was an authoritative presence among stereotypical period dudes in this movie and then in Cars he becomes a stereotypical period dude! Heh! Anyway, Rufus is trying to help Bill and Ted stay together so that mankind would live happily... But if he was the one who kept them together, himself being from the future that Bill and Ted created, how the heck is this possible?! It's a paradox! Aaah! There are a good amount of these in this film. I'll talk about some of them later. Anyway, in the present of 1988, which was a year before the film was released, we find Bill and Ted, jammin' out. And dude, Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves were totally rad! Their performances as dumb 80's teenagers was very funny. Though it's weird seeing Keanu all serious in The Matrix. They have to go to school, where if they flunk history, they flunk school. Hm. I homeschool, so I can't say if that's an accurate representation of school. So yeah, I've been focusing on these little details in every single scene... Maybe I'll refrain from it next time. So anyway, that was a great scene at the Circle K, when Rufus shows up to give Bill and Ted the time machine. Only thing is... THEY BLATANTLY STOLE THE TARDIS FROM DOCTOR WHO. Be a little creative, people. And also, the phone number system is needlessly complicated. I mean, it's from the future! They could just talk to a Google Hologram instead of looking through a book that should be way bigger than it is. What I liked about it, was when Future Bill and Ted give advice to Present Bill and Ted. "What number are we thinking of?" *pauses* "69, dudes!" I don't know why that's funny, but it was. This movie is very quotable. My favorite line, I'd say, is "Strange things are afoot at the Circle K." I can't explain it, but LOL. The CGI for the "Circut of Time" or whatever looks very dated, and reminds me of Tron. Well, Tron's CG fits with its primitive computer world. This doesn't. Whatever. Nitpicks. Moving on, we got a scene in the French war against Austria where they just abduct Napoleon Bonaparte. Okay then. It's not like the world is gonna be different. And then there's that whole sequence in the western where they get Billy the Kid. Another quote here. "If I win, I take it all. If you win... *pauses* I take it all," Yup. And at the end of the sequence they just abduct him also. They abduct a whole bunch of historical figures, and everything turns out the same! It's like Marty meeting his future self in Back to the Future Part II. That's just not gonna happen. There are a number of these historical sequences. I'll focus on a couple. Like the one at the medieval times. There's this fake-out where you think a heavily suited Ted is dead, but of course he got out of the suit. Very predictable. And then the scene in the future. So... what is this place? Why do a whole bunch of crowds go to this weird cave? Is this, like, the Bill and Ted synagogue? I don't know. Then they break their antennae... What the heck? Do they really have to rely on this 700-year old technology? They fix it... with gum, and then they get the rest of their historical figures, like Joan of Arc, which I couldn't really tell was her and thought was a young boy. But it was her. Back in the present, Napoleon is bowling and then he completely fails.... and he continually swears. Um... Why is this rated PG? This is 1989, where UHF and Last Crusade are rated PG-13. But whatever. Napoleon goes on the water slide and becomes super-addicted to it to the point that he keeps cutting in line. Napoleon wants his way. And then after this there are more paradoxes. The scene where Ted goes to his dad's police office to rescue all the imprisoned leaders, and they find the keys that his dad has been missing, and it turns out that their future selves did this for them. And then they get in a bad situation, and Ted tells himself "Remember the box..." and a trashcan  from his future self falls from above conveniently solving their problem. Wow. I'd think after this was over that they never get around to it, thus cancelling out themselves. But whatever. And there's this tension where the school finals are going, and the principal is constantly looking at the clock. I did kinda feel that tension a little bit. But not entirely. And then the finals are over, and Bill and Ted are like WAIT! and this whole sophisticated concert lighting system is present. How long did that take to set up? And the whole oral report goes, and I have two things to say. The first is that Abe Lincoln says "Fourscore and... 7 minutes ago" AND IT'S HIMSELF!!!! HE WOULD BE CORRECTING EVERYBODY ELSE ON THE WHOLE SCORE MEASUREMENT!!!!! AAAAAAAARRGH! Sorry, that just drove me crazy. And that is not entirely how I felt. That was an exaggeration. And second thing, he got an A+, which wouldn't be right because he kept misinterpreting Socrates, which was funny, but still. They give a little speech at the end, which is "Be excellent to each other, and... PARTY ON!" That captures the lighthearted and hopeful feel of this movie for me. Great! And then at the end Rufus tells them that one day they're supposed to write an album that shapes the course of history. That's interesting. 80's rock saving the world. I like it. And then Bill and Ted do some so-so jamming and Rufus says "Well, they do get better." and we end the film on that.

SO WHAT DID I THINK?!??!! Well, all those nitpicks were just nitpicks that I thought were worth mentioning, but overall, I thought it was pretty great. Not the kind of movie that I would watch over and over, but maybe something I'd revisit in a bunch of years. Oh yeah, and then there's that sequel, Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, which I've heard has the two dudes get killed and they find themselves in Hell where they must beat the Grim Reaper at a bunch of licensed board games in order to resurrect themselves. Hm... Doesn't sound great. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 53% too, so I'm not gonna watch that. It's probably bogus.

And that concludes my mess of a first Movie Thoughts review. Next week it's gonna be huge. I'm not reviewing one movie. But then after that it'll be one movie. So that's nice. But if you have the time, you'll enjoy next week's huge post. Well, I hope you enjoyed it! What do you think of this movie? What is your favorite part! Comment! I can only count the number of times people have commented on my blog, so it'd be nice if you could. Alright! See ya later, dudes!

Monday, April 17, 2017

I Got a Nintendo Switch!

This is a really long post, so feel free to read it over multiple sessions. But please read it all the way through, okay?

So Nintendo's newest console has been out for a month and a half, and it's been hard to find. Ever since March 3rd, I've been going in and out of Gamestop, Walmart, Ebay and Amazon looking for the console, but I had no luck. Nintendo had been promising more stock, too! But then one day, my mom and my sister were going to Target, and my Gamestop is near my Target. So I felt like checking out the cool merchandise there. And whaddya know, they actually had one Nintendo Switch in stock! So I got it! Yay! And I don't have The Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild right now, so I'll make a review for it later. Anyway!

So if you've heard about the Switch, you know what it is. But if there is anybody who doesn't know, it's a home console, slightly graphically improved from the Wii U, and it boasts fun games such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and 1-2-Switch. But this is no ordinary home console. When you're in the middle of an intense game, and you can't put the controller down, but you have to leave somewhere, you can take the system with you and use it as a handheld! I mean, there are millions of handheld consoles out there, but none that also worked as and had as much power as a home console! And there are all these cool games coming out for it that I'm excited for! But right now, let's talk about my experience right now for it.

So my experience with the console... It's great. The Joy-Cons are pretty comfortable, especially when they're used in each hand without a grip.

Using the Joy-Cons by themselves is more comfortable than I expected, them being such small controllers. But when I play with some younger people, they have a hard time adjusting to the buttons. I mean, for me it's natural that on Nintendo controllers, the right one is the main button, while the bottom one is the secondary one. But that's me.

I've played handheld mode for I guess an hour this week mostly because right now I'm focused on playing Pokemon FireRed. But it's pretty solid! It feels natural, and the transition is quick!

My only nitpick with the design of these Joy-Cons is that the ZL and ZR triggers are digital instead of analog, meaning you click 'em and don't really pull them. And the only problem I've had is that my L button isn't working.

So the first game I bought for it, as said previously, was not Breath of the Wild. And I mildly regret that. But I'm saving up for that game! Anyway, my first game was 1-2-Switch. And that is a game where you don't look at the screen, but each other! It's a fun, casual party game that includes 28 minigames such as Quick Draw, where you see who can shoot each other the fastest, Shave, which is self-explanatory, Wizard, where you see who can beat who with a wand beam, Runway, where you see who can sway your hips more, and other games like Table Tennis, Copy Dance, and Ball Count!

Here are some highlights. I'm a master at Runway. And I look ridiculous while doing it.

There was this one Wizard round where we kept countering each other

Swordfight is my favorite game out of all of these. It gets intense!

Yup. Those are some highlights. Some of these minigames are pretty fun, while there are a few that are kind of meh in my opinion, like Telephone, which is basically Quick Draw with less fun, and Baby, which... is.... the worst. Anyway, on to different games! So this is the only game I own, but I have some demos!

Snipperclips is a co-op puzzle game where you cut each other into shapes that work with the puzzle. And it's pretty cute! Here's a good face.

After playing it, I've realized this is kinda fun, but not my kind of game. It gets kind of frustrating when you can't figure anything out. On to the second demo!

Puyo Puyo Tetris is hands down, the best demo I've ever played. It's a full game in itself! If you don't know what Puyo Puyo is, it basically has you connecting four tiles with the same color. It's competitive in nature, so if you score, you'll cause trouble for your opponent. The way this crossover works is that in the demo, there's two modes. Versus mode, where one of you can play Puyo Puyo and another one play Tetris, or both of you can play the same game. And then there's Swap mode, where you're playing Puyo Puyo for 25 seconds and then you play Tetris for 25 seconds, and then you go back to your game of Puyo Puyo. It's pretty intense. And both of these modes I have been having a lot of fun with. And my younger sister (check out her cool blog!)is having a lot of fun with this game too, constantly asking me to play it.
And last, but... least...

The demo for Just Dance 2017. No... I don't wan't to get "Now watch me whip! Now watch me nay nay!" stuck in my head... Ugh. This game is kind of meh. And the presentation is a little weird even. The characters you play as are guys with animal masks on. (well, now I realize that was just for Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)) The frog is especially creepy.

Well, that's all I have for games I own. Alright. Now let's move on to games I'm excited for.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is basically Mario Kart 8 but with all the DLC and some other new stuff. If you own MK8 for the Wii U, you don't need to get this. But I got it from the library multiple times, and I didn't get any DLC because I didn't own the game. But now I'm gonna get this game, and I'm getting the definitive version! I'm excited for this also because they're adding a good battle mode, which wasn't in the Wii U game! Yes! Awesome! And they're adding the option to carry two items at once, as well as a few new items! Alright! Cool! But there's more...

Splatoon 2! At first, I thought that this was just an enhanced port, like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. But this is a straight-up sequel! The ability to add hairstyles, some new weapons, enhanced ones, and a new mode! I'd have to try this new mode, which is called Salmon Run, but I'm sold on this sequel! I hope there's gonna be a solid single-player mode, like the first one had. But I mostly play the multiplayer mode, so no single-player will be a little disappointing, but not that much. Next game!

Sonic Mania. This one I'm not quite as excited for as the other games, but Sonic was my childhood, and they've tried to go back to his roots a few times, but it's looking like this is going to be when they nail it. You can play as Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, which is what I would want for this sort of game, and there are gonna be a few Zones returning, as well as new ones. It may be one of the few full games I download on the system.

And next is Sonic Forces. Yeah... The title is stupid. But this is looking like the first good modern Sonic game since Generations. And it looks like they're ditching the style from Lost World and going back to the Unleashed style! That's great! And Classic Sonic is back! From what I understand, this is gonna be like Sonic Generations, but with new levels. The story has Eggman taking over the world, which is something he hasn't successfully done before, and most of these levels take place in this dystopia. Hm. Well, I personally prefer a more lighthearted world. But oh well. They showed a few clips of Classic Sonic gameplay and there's gonna be yet another rendition of Green Hill Zone. They really love revisiting that level, huh? Is this, like, Sonic: Days of Future Past? Heh. Probably not. And... they teased a new character! Yeah! This is the first time a modern Sonic game had you playing a character other than Sonic since '06! Yes, that counts, but not Boom. I'm not sure if I'm completely excited for this yet, but hopefully we'll see more footage in the future.

I could talk about Super Mario Odyssey, but... I don't know what to think about it yet. I'm not an avid Mario fan, but I've been playing Mario 64 DS again lately, so maybe that'll change my opinion. More on that later. Well, that's it! That was the longest post I have ever done. Wow. Dang! Alright! Well, pretty soon I'll be doing a Breath of the Wild post, so be excited for that!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Teaser!

Has it really been about 2 and a half years since the first teaser for The Force Awakens released? That's crazy! Wow! What the heck?! And now, after 5 months of waiting, the teaser for Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is finally released! YES! And there's more material shown in this than that first teaser of the last film! So if you haven't seen this trailer yet, here it is!

Well, let's start the analysis. The trailer starts with the starry outer space... Oh wait, it's just a rock. And there's some really suspenseful music... then BAM! Rey's hand slaps on the ground and she heavily gasps. At first I thought she had felt a disturbance in the Force, but I think now she was just having trouble training.

And then the Lucasfilm logo... With Rey's theme. And I was like "Yeah!" when I heard it.

And then a beautiful shot of the sunset on Ahch-To (I had to look up that planet name) telling us that oh yeah! Rey is training with Luke on that planet!

In his kinda still young-sounding voice, Luke says "Breathe... Just... Breathe..." Well, wasn't Rey just breathing? Heh. But the way he says that is awesome.

And then Luke says "Now... reach out" and Rey lifts up little rocks with the Force, which was awesome and exciting to see! Rey can use telekinetic Force powers now!

"What do you see?"
"Light... darkness... The balance." They're still trying to achieve balance? Why not just get rid of the darkness?

Leia looks at a holographic map... Some kind of attack analysis? Wondering where Luke and Rey are? And then we see Darth Vader's helmet is a mess. And there isn't that much of it left. Oh.

And then some kind of underground planty balcony with what appears to be pillars on it... What's this? What planet is this on? What significance does this have in the film?

And then someone's glove hovers over a faded book with the rebel flag on it.

"So much bigger"says Luke. What does this mean? Out of context, I don't get it.

Then we see in the background Rey is showing off her Lightsaber skills while Luke stands from a distance. Pretty cool!

Then we see a new starfighter design... this one looks.... interesting. It kinda reminds me of B-Wing starfighters. And they're on this... ice planet,.. that has red... stuff... if you scratch the surface... Huh? Why are these ships scraping the surface anyway?

And Finn's still in a coma... What?! Man! Does this take place directly after Force Awakens, or 2 years like in real time? if the latter is the case, then that's the longest coma ever.

Poe is running in a rebel space station, evacuating to his trademark X-Wing Starfighter... Only for it to be destroyed! Aw, man! Well, I guess we've seen that happen before, with Obi-Wan and Anakin's Jedi Interceptors being destroyed in Revenge of the Sith. But I haven't developed an attachment to those ships...

The Millennium Falcon shoots some TIE Fighters! Cool! ... Oh. You wanted me to say something about that? Uh... *awkwardly slips away*

And then Rey with her Lightsaber on runs, determined, on a planet that reminds me of that one episode from Marvel's Agents of S.H,I.E.L.D.

Kylo Ren's Lightsaber still is unstable... That's awesome and all, but isn't that gonna break sooner or later? Cool shot, though.

And then we see Luke falling to his knees next to R2-D2 in front of a big fire, and what looks to be Captain Phasma and her team... Oh wow, we're actually going back and seeing more of that flashback! Cool! Didn't know Phasma was involved!

Then we see a big dogfight in space, and more new ship designs. One huge, obvious, and reminding me of the V-19 Torrent from Clone Wars, and one much smaller, subtle, and vaguely reminding me of Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter from Attack of the Clones.

"But I know only one truth... It's time for the Jedi... to end." First few times watching this, I thought Kylo Ren was saying this... But after listening more closely, that's Luke's voice! Wait a minute... Come on! You are so wrong! I get that you're older and bitter and you've gone through some terrible things, but did Obi-Wan or Yoda say that after watching almost every Jedi die? No! They still held out hope! You've gotta be kidding me! Why don't you ask the Force ghosts about this?! Seriously!

Aaaaand epic music to red title! And that's it! Well that was quite something! And I don't have much else to say other than I'm hyped! Alright! Well, see you later!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thor: Ragnarok Teaser!

Wow, Marvel Studios hasn't even released a film in the MCU this year, and there are already trailers for each of these films! Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and now Thor: Ragnarok! The last film starring the God of Thunder, Thor: The Dark World, was honestly kinda boring for me after revisiting it. But this looks exciting! In case you haven't seen it, here it is!

Well then! That was certainly something. Let's start the analysis from the beginning.
So the trailer starts with our beloved hero being violently lowered to a dungeon, covered in chains. Ouch. This dungeon looks like it's in some kind of volcano, or maybe a certain lava-filled part of the 9 realms. That'll be interesting.

"I know what you're thinking... How did this happen? Well, it's a long story."
Heh, now Marvel's going with the time-jump meme. Interesting. Not much to write about, but thought that was noteworthy.

Wait a minute... Did the villain of which the name is not apparent just grab Mjolnir??? She's not even worthy! Come on!! I know she's supposed to be threatening, but seriously, you can't break your own rules, Marvel!

Welp, Mjolnir's dead. Will Thor get another one by the end of this film? Maybe.

Oh... Well, that's weird. Why is Marvel trying to make this futuristic fantasy apocalypse feel like the 80's with those wacky transitions and rock n' roll music? I don't get it.

Wow... Now that's a hat.

And then the villain stands somewhere in Asgard in front of an army, saying "Asgard... is dead" and she pulls out her sword. I'm pretty sure she's gonna take out everybody.

And... she's right. Asgard faces the fiery destruction while Thor defends himself in it... If he can do that, will that kill anyone else? Heh, I'm not sure.

Then he finds himself in a junkyard, and there are some ships flying around, and then some aliens, one of them having a mask that looks like Teedo's. Is this junkyard the remains of Asgard after its destruction? Doesn't look that much like it. Thor says "Hi there" and just gets caught by a net... Well, not having the Mjolnir does that to him.

Then a bunch of things flash. New woman with blue makeup. That's some strange makeup. Villain on a giant bird. Oh wow. Bunch of people and birds falling. Some kind of blast made that happen? Thor getting dragged and locked in a chair. Oh boy...

"What have you brought me here, tell me."
"A contender."
Is that dude in the chair the makeup girl's father? Or just the gladiator game's master?

Is that the dude from the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy? Ooh, Thor and GOTG crossover!

That's a cool ship. Looks vaguely like the Bat... plane or whatever from the Tim Burton film.

Will this dude shooting the machine gun be any important? Will find out sometime.

And now the soldiers in the worlds Thor goes to went from medieval to futuristic.

Oh here's the villain woman showing off her skills against that Asgardian army!

Ayyyy! Loki's back! Awesome! You can't make a Thor movie without the strongest Marvel villain of them all! And he's got some gadgets! ...Oh wait, after a closer look those are just knives... OK. Anywat, that'll be interesting to see how he'll be after he took over Asgard in Dark World!

Wow green fireworks. That's different.

And now Thor comes into the gladiator Colosseum and he's got a haircut, I'm guessing because of his being captured, and a big scar on his face. Where'd that come from? And then he puts on the hat on, a cool rendition of the hat he wears in the comics!

And then... The Incredible Hulk. Someone explain to me how he got to this other realm. And how did they even get that armor on him? I knew he was gonna be in this film from things that were hinted at earlier, but that's weird. Well, in Civil War, General "Thunderbolt" Ross talked about how Thor and Banner were absent. Maybe this takes place during the Civil War? That'll be interesting. Doctor Strange I'm pretty sure took place before Winter Soldier, and now this during Civil War. The timeline is not in real time again. Okay then.

"YEEEEES!!!!" The crowd loses their excitement, which is gold. LOL.
"We know each other! He's a friend from work!" Heheh. I like it. And then the battle ensues.

Well, like I said at the beginning, this is exciting. It could be meh, like Dark World, but this villain is already looking more interesting than Malekith, and the premise is looking more interesting. I'm pretty hyped! But not as much as Spider-Man Homecoming! Still hyped, though!

I'm back! (for real this time)

Oh man. For eight months, this blog has been dead. My Youtube sidebar was outdated, the top picture was outdated, and I just didn't feel like doing anything on this blog. Well, now I have some plans! And I'm ready to post again! Later today I'll be posting my thoughts on the trailer for Thor: Ragnarok. And either tomorrow or next week there'll be more to come! So get excited!