Friday, April 14, 2017

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Teaser!

Has it really been about 2 and a half years since the first teaser for The Force Awakens released? That's crazy! Wow! What the heck?! And now, after 5 months of waiting, the teaser for Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi is finally released! YES! And there's more material shown in this than that first teaser of the last film! So if you haven't seen this trailer yet, here it is!

Well, let's start the analysis. The trailer starts with the starry outer space... Oh wait, it's just a rock. And there's some really suspenseful music... then BAM! Rey's hand slaps on the ground and she heavily gasps. At first I thought she had felt a disturbance in the Force, but I think now she was just having trouble training.

And then the Lucasfilm logo... With Rey's theme. And I was like "Yeah!" when I heard it.

And then a beautiful shot of the sunset on Ahch-To (I had to look up that planet name) telling us that oh yeah! Rey is training with Luke on that planet!

In his kinda still young-sounding voice, Luke says "Breathe... Just... Breathe..." Well, wasn't Rey just breathing? Heh. But the way he says that is awesome.

And then Luke says "Now... reach out" and Rey lifts up little rocks with the Force, which was awesome and exciting to see! Rey can use telekinetic Force powers now!

"What do you see?"
"Light... darkness... The balance." They're still trying to achieve balance? Why not just get rid of the darkness?

Leia looks at a holographic map... Some kind of attack analysis? Wondering where Luke and Rey are? And then we see Darth Vader's helmet is a mess. And there isn't that much of it left. Oh.

And then some kind of underground planty balcony with what appears to be pillars on it... What's this? What planet is this on? What significance does this have in the film?

And then someone's glove hovers over a faded book with the rebel flag on it.

"So much bigger"says Luke. What does this mean? Out of context, I don't get it.

Then we see in the background Rey is showing off her Lightsaber skills while Luke stands from a distance. Pretty cool!

Then we see a new starfighter design... this one looks.... interesting. It kinda reminds me of B-Wing starfighters. And they're on this... ice planet,.. that has red... stuff... if you scratch the surface... Huh? Why are these ships scraping the surface anyway?

And Finn's still in a coma... What?! Man! Does this take place directly after Force Awakens, or 2 years like in real time? if the latter is the case, then that's the longest coma ever.

Poe is running in a rebel space station, evacuating to his trademark X-Wing Starfighter... Only for it to be destroyed! Aw, man! Well, I guess we've seen that happen before, with Obi-Wan and Anakin's Jedi Interceptors being destroyed in Revenge of the Sith. But I haven't developed an attachment to those ships...

The Millennium Falcon shoots some TIE Fighters! Cool! ... Oh. You wanted me to say something about that? Uh... *awkwardly slips away*

And then Rey with her Lightsaber on runs, determined, on a planet that reminds me of that one episode from Marvel's Agents of S.H,I.E.L.D.

Kylo Ren's Lightsaber still is unstable... That's awesome and all, but isn't that gonna break sooner or later? Cool shot, though.

And then we see Luke falling to his knees next to R2-D2 in front of a big fire, and what looks to be Captain Phasma and her team... Oh wow, we're actually going back and seeing more of that flashback! Cool! Didn't know Phasma was involved!

Then we see a big dogfight in space, and more new ship designs. One huge, obvious, and reminding me of the V-19 Torrent from Clone Wars, and one much smaller, subtle, and vaguely reminding me of Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter from Attack of the Clones.

"But I know only one truth... It's time for the Jedi... to end." First few times watching this, I thought Kylo Ren was saying this... But after listening more closely, that's Luke's voice! Wait a minute... Come on! You are so wrong! I get that you're older and bitter and you've gone through some terrible things, but did Obi-Wan or Yoda say that after watching almost every Jedi die? No! They still held out hope! You've gotta be kidding me! Why don't you ask the Force ghosts about this?! Seriously!

Aaaaand epic music to red title! And that's it! Well that was quite something! And I don't have much else to say other than I'm hyped! Alright! Well, see you later!

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