Sunday, June 28, 2015

The FunWorld Arcade!

So yesterday, I went with dad and Sophie to FunWorld for the second time ever. We had a lot of fun! 
First, we exchanged $20 for a ton of tokens that we all split up. There was a lot of things that we did there. Like Mrs. Pac Man, which I only got to the second level on,
Fruit Ninja, which me and Sophie did co-op

A Star Wars Trilogy rail shooter game, which wasn't in good shape but it was still very playable,
a virtual jump-rope, which I wasn't really good at,
Blue Raspberry slushis that made our tongues blue LOL

And some other things that I didn't get on camera like an indoor rollercoaster! It was fun! Although mediocre compared to ones like Untamed. Also, we took a silly picture in a booth where you can select an artist style and you'd be watching it sketch you. I'll update this post to show that pic later. And there were multiple jackpot things. I got the jackpot on one of them! Except.... It was.... broken! So I didn't earn a single ticket! EPIC FAIL!! LOL. Whatever! I got a jackpot for the first time! In the end, with a little help from dad, I got 484 tickets! A little more than Sophie. So the prizes I got? Aside from candy, I got some 8-bit glasses (which Andrew is wearing in this Facebook profile pic)
and some fake mustaches! I wanted to get a Pokemon plush doll but I didn't nearly have enough tickets. Whatever. Well, I had a very fun time at FunWorld. See you next week!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The yard sale!

So today, I went to a yard sale. And I sold stuff, too. Yup! It was a neighborhood thing! Multiple families around the block were sellin' stuff! There were a lot of things. Furniture, clothes, TVs, DVDs, and stuff like that. First, we set the stuff up.

And what I was trying to sell were Sonic 3D Blast for Windows 95/98/XP Which... um... failed.
4 toy lightsabers, in which 2 were sold, a laser gun toy, which was sold, and a Dreamcast, complete with 4 controllers, cords, and no game! It was supposed to be $20, but the guy who bought it got it for $15. I kinda felt like I was on Pawn Stars. Whatever.

Sophie also had a lemonade stand with her friend! And they made.... $13.50! Amazing, huh? So that was a nice yard sale. Not only did I sell stuff, but I bought stuff too! ...Well, mom gave me the money to buy it. The Lord of the Rings Extended Trilogy! After the sale we went to the dump to give most of the stuff that we didn't sell to the still good shed. Well, there's your reward for not buying something from the yard sale... You get it for free! We almost brought a desk we had to the dump, but I didn't want to waste a perfectly good desk. So I made it a display in my room out of it!

Friday, June 19, 2015

A New Display

(Sorry I didn't post this yesterday. Or the day before. I was busy the last two days.) So recently I got a new thing in my room. A shelf! So I use this as a display thing for my stuff. Like my amiibo are on the front, some of my Pokemon games in the back, my Wii U games, Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color on one side, and my Skylanders Fling Kong on the other. Cool, huh? Oh and I've got stuff on the drawers, like my Star Wars tapes. Well, that's what I can think of for posting on my blog today. Hope you liked it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Birthday Fun!

(sorry, I said I would post this yesterday, but I was too lazy, plus, Nintendo's E3 Digital Event was meh, so I won't be posting that.) I had an awesome birthday! Starting on my real birthday, mom and Sophie came home from the store with an Oreo Ice Cream Roll!

And later that day I went with Grammie and Grandpa for dinner to Wendy's! Also, we went to GameStop, and I got Pokemon Y! Awesome!

On my birthday, I was calling everybody I invited to my party to tell them that it was in a week. My aunt said my cousin couldn't come, so she asked me what I wanted for a gift, and I said Pokemon Black 2 or White 2. Guess what. A few days later, I opened an Amazon package saying "Gift inside!" and Pokemon White 2 was in it! Awesome! 
On my party we all had a lot of fun. First, we played the Splatoon Battle Dojo for a while, and then I opened gifts.
I was given a lot of candy, which I ate up quickly, a Skylanders Fling Kong,
 A Luigi amiibo (which Sophie got me with her own money) and a Sheik amiibo,
a watch,
 and... Pokemon Alpha Sapphire! Guess what? A few days before, Isaiah asked me what Pokemon games I wanted to get next. One of those I said being this. How sneaky!
So afterwards, we ate Oreo Ice Cream Cake with rainbow sherbet ice cream!
 Afterwards, (or maybe beforehand?) We played some 8-player Smash. We did a lot of matches, and that was the first time I got to play 8-player Smash with 8 people. And then we did some improv games! There were some hilarious ones! So the party was really fun.
And then a few days later, we went to see dad, and he gave me... a bike! Awesome!
It was $20 less than he had anticipated, so he gave me 20 extra bucks! I decided to spend that on... A 3DS car charger and a 3DS game case! So I had a fun birthday. I'm also planning a family party for just my family, so I might post about that after that happens. Well, see you tomorrow!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Special Back to Computer Internet Week!

It's been 3000 years.... But I'm back! I really wanted to make some posts since the 30th of May, but our internet had problems. It was working on most other devices except the computer I write blog posts on. But now we got new internet! To make up for the hiatus, I'll be posting on this blog for every day this week! Awesome, huh? But I miiiiiiiiight not be available a couple of days. Hopefully I'll post every day, though. So here's a sneak peek. Tonight, I'll be posting about my birthday. Tomorrow, I'll be posting about E3! Well, see you tonight!