Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Post-Christmas Party with Grammie and Grandpa!

The other day my grandparents came over for Christmas! They usually come for Christmas Eve, but they were moving. So first, we hung out and stuff, and we played Smash Bros., having a lot of fun, and then we put on some Christmas music, and then we opened gifts that our grandparents brought over! So I got a nice new wardrobe of sweaters, sweatpants, and jeans! Here's me dressed up in (almost) all the clothes they gave me!
And they gave me........................ POKEMON OMEGA RUBY!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!! This was the game I have been wanting for so long!!! And I finally got it!  (I'll post about it soon!) Here's my awesome reaction!
 And then we had dinner, which was ham.
And then we played Balderdash again, this time with Grandpa, who was new to this game, joining in. And then we put the Christmas music back on and danced a lot! I'm glad I got to have a post-Christmas Christmas rather than an early Christmas, because I think it's better to know that the quickly-passed Christmas isn't over yet.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U!

Wondering what I got with my GameStop gift card? Well, here it is! A game I've been wanting for a year and a half is finally in the palm of my hand! Wondering what Smash Bros. is? It's a Nintendo all-star fighting game that involves items, unique stages, and damage percentages instead of health bars. A variety of characters from Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, and many others join the battle! (I have all characters unlocked!)
And up to four players can battle! (but in the Wii U version, up to 8 players can battle!) So there are many modes other than regular Smash, like Classic, where you fight a number of foes before reaching Master Hand! (and sometimes Crazy Hand might join in!)
And Stage Builder, where you can use the GamePad to draw platforms and stuff to make your very own stage! Here's one I made, called "FINAL Final Destination", (there's a level called Final Destination, which is all flat and boring) which is the smallest level ever!
And Smash Tour, a... a confusing Smash Bros. version of Mario Party.
And there are Trophies, collectibles scattered across the game which are packed with information about characters or objects!
But that's not all! Remember last post when I said I'd tell you more about amiibo figures? Well, as it turns out, they're compatible with Smash Bros.! So tap one to the GamePad and it'll become a battling partner! It's an AI opponent that learns from your techniques and levels up! Here's my level 50 Pikachu amiibo that I named Down+B! (get it? There's a powerful move that Pikachu can use if you press down and B on your controller and people have been spamming that move a lot. I thought of that name from an Honest Trailer) 
So I had a lot of fun with this game, I thank my parents for giving the gift card to me so I could finally get this game. And it's so addicting, I spent most of one day playing this game! See you tomorrow where I'll post about what I did yesterday when my grandparents came over!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Chistmas 2014!

Hey guys! Wondering how our family's Christmas went? Well, let's go! So, during the early morning, we opened up most of the gifts.
So I got a Shammy sweater,
a coat,
 An NLT Bible,
A 3rd party Wii U Pro Controller,
A Pikachu Amiibo figurine, (more info about that in next post)
A watch,
And a couple of gift cards, one for Nintendo eShop, ($10) and one for GameStop! ($20)
So with the $10 Nintendo eShop gift card, I got a couple of classic NES games, including:
Mega Man II, a game where you're a super fighting robot battling other robots and gaining their powers,
and Duck Hunt, a game where you are a... Use your best guess.
And the GameStop gift card... Well you'll find out on next post!
So an hour or so later Charles and Andrew came over! And then we opened stockings. 
I got an adorable Pikachu plush doll,
 A yummy Slim Jim, some yummy Junior Mints, Hot Tamales, Lemonheads and cinnamon gum,
  a pack of batteries,
And.... a giant thing of cayenne pepper! LOL 
And then came the gift exchange. No, not a Yankee Swap, but around the beginning of the Christmas season, we picked names out of a hat. These names are the names of who in the family we're giving to. And I got mom. So I gave her some slipper socks and a cranberry mint candle! Sophie got me, and she gave me.... BALDERDASH! My favorite board game of all time!
And Charles brought a gift for me and Sophie.... A Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuck!
So next, mom, dad, Charles and Andrew did something me and Sophie planned for the last week... A treasure hunt! Except this one is different. Sophie saw some videos of what Andrew did a couple of years ago, and she wanted to do the same thing. A word hunt with video clues! Here's one video that we recorded.
So for a while we had fun doing things like playing Nintendo Land together. And then we had dinner of ham and mashed potatoes.

And then we all played Balderdash. It's a board game where............. Oh, look it up. You're done? OK! So there were some hilarious moments, like when I wrote a movie description based on the title Girls on the Loose and it ended up sounding like "A couple of women break out of jail and go undercover as Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga." and Sophie wrote an acronym description of GIMPY, which came out as "Geletain in my pants. Yuck!" LOL!
Here are some pics mom took.

To end this post off, I'm gonna show you something hilarious!
Hope you had a merry Christmas! Wait... For me, it's not over yet! Tomorrow, they're coming over again! And Isaiah and Grammie and Grandpa are coming, too! I'll post about it in a couple of days!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Yankee Swap at Youthgroup!

A few days ago, the church had a special Youthgroup. This time there was a Yankee Swap! I chose a pack of spicy beef jerky. (Mmmm....) I opened a book, which got traded for a bag of Peanut Butter M&M's, which got traded for a gumball machine!

Then we played some games (like usual, but I need to write more on this post!) like Sardines, which was Hide-and-Seek, but if you find the hider, you have to hide with him/her. And Martyr, a game where first you pick a card, and whoever had the card with a special mark was the Martyr (or murderer) and then everyone tries to figure out who the Martyr is.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Sophie's Christmas Party!

A few days ago, Sophie threw a party with her friends! First, they played Pass the Present, a game like Musical Chairs, except when the music stops the one who has the present opens one of the many layers of it. I was the DJ.

And then, we had snacks.

 Then the Yankee Swap began! I had a scheme to get what I chose. My scheme was to get Hot Tamales and CryBaby sour gumballs that I guessed most young girls wouldn't like. (wait, that's sexist!) (One of the girls told me that it was the worst idea she's ever heard. Do you agree? ;) ) My scheme didn't work, but lucky for me, I GOT NUMBER 1! So I got to trade with the guy who got my thing at the end.

OMGosh! It's Christmas Eve Eve!