Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I got my 3DS back from repair!

So I own a Nintendo 3DS that I got from Christmas last year, and I think it might be one of my favorite Christmas gifts ever. But I was filming a Youtube video one day and right after I finished it started having problems turning on. So I tried to fix it with my dad, but that didn't work. Well, I decided to send it to Nintendo to repair, because thankfully, my one-year warranty wasn't over. So I then learned that people who had the same problem had to wait a month or two for it to return. Well that's a bummer... But a couple of weeks later, (yesterday) I got it back! And it was fixed! How wonderful! I didn't expect it to come so early! A 3DS game was on my Christmas wish list and I wanted to play it when I get it. And now I can use this as a camera to take pics for this blog! But the only thing is... They kinda reset it. I didn't lose any super important data, just friends on my Friend List, Streetpasses, and Activity Log data. Well, I am so glad it came sooner than I thought, and I hope I don't have to send it to Nintendo again. Here are some pics of it.

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