Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 10: White Elephant Gift Exchange!

Today, I woke up at 7:30 by my alarm, and we went early to the church. My mom cleaned it up, and I helped a little bit before I watched a movie I have not seen in ages. I didn't finish it because our friends came and we wanted to play with them. We had fun playing Pictionary Telephone. After that, we went to multiple stores for some last last minute Christmas-shopping. We came home finally and I finished my post for yesterday. Today we were going to a White Elephant gift exchange, which is basically a Yankee Swap, but you use stuff you don't really care about but you think somebody else might like. And this was at the church pastor's house. We went there, and we ate dinner, we sang Christmas songs, and there it began.
Turns out it wasn't as much of a White Elephant exchange as I thought. I heard that we have the choice to buy something or get something from home, but it seemed like 80% of the gifts were bought. And there was candles. Lots and lots of candles. I got a book, then traded it for a giant thing of soda, then that unfortunately got traded for a cheese grater, and then got traded for a couple necklaces. So yeah. The gift I brought was a Super Shadow the Hedgehog small figure that I had for a long time. Which ended up in the hands of a little boy who accidentally broke the head off. Serves me right. Oh well, it was a fun Yankee Swap.

On the 10th day of Christmas, these things happened to me:
I did a White Elephant gift exchange, 
we made Christmas sweets, 
I went caroling at a nursing home,
I went to Andrew's party
I saw The Force Awakens again...
I watched The Force Awakens
I went to Wednesday homegroup
I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
and I made Christmas card art with glee!

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