Saturday, December 19, 2015

12 Days of Christmas Day 6: The Force Awakens Again!

Today I woke up around 7 AM. Mom wanted to wake up early, but she just kept sleeping in. She got up finally and then she told me it had snowed. Okay, whatever. After a period of Youtube binge-watching, we left to clean the church briefly. Then we went to see dad and grandma! We mostly watched Youtube videos, but dad gave us special "micropresents" before Christmas. He gave us each $50 (Well, me $49 but still) and a Cinemagic gift card. We also ordered some stuffing late lunch. Later, we watched AFV, and that was funny. After that, we went to grammie's briefly and then went to see... Star Wars: The Force Awakens again! This time not just with brothers but with mom! The second time it was still amazing. Oh yeah. We went home and it was really late. So I made this post and I went to bed.

On the 6th day of Christmas, these things happened to me: I saw Force Awakens again... I WENT CAROLING! I watched The Force Awakens, I went to Wednesday homegroup, I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and I made Christmas card art with glee!

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