Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 9: Peppermint Bark and Gingerbread Houses!

Yesterday our friends came over and we made gingerbread houses! Yup. I've gotten too lazy to make a big 12 Days of Christmas! post. We struggled to keep it up, but ultimately we finished them. Here's ours.

After that, we frosted cookies! One funny thing to note was when they came out of the oven they got darker every batch. I wasn't that good at frosting. Here's mine.
Oh yeah! And we made peppermint bark! We hammered ziploc bags of peppermint until it was powder.
And then we put a tray of liquid chocolate in the freezer. After it's solid, we put peppermint powder on it and leave it in the freezer again. Here's the finished product.

After they left we went to a couple stores to do some last-minute Christmas-shopping, and one of the gifts I bought was for another Yankee Swap. After that, we went to the church to hang out with friends and then I was dropped off to the pastor's house to go to a teen homegroup Bible study... only to find that not much else was coming and then the host canceled it. But the people who were there and I played Smash Bros. Brawl. And we had fun.

On the 9th day of Christmas, these things happened to me: We made Christmas sweets, I went caroling at a nursing home, I went to Andrew's party, I saw The Force Awakens again... I WENT CAROLING! I watched The Force Awakens, I went to Wednesday homegroup, I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and I made Christmas card art with glee!

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