Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015!

So, 2015! That was a good year. Some things didn't go the way I wanted to but I like all years. For this blog... It larger than last year, but I was... lazier.  I didn't write about certain things like moving, and fun parties I had. But in December I made a lot more posts than the other months, because of the 12 Days of Christmas! series. Did I accomplish both my New Year's Resolutions? No! Not entirely! I have read my Bible almost every day, but not completely. I did get a reward for catching all the Pokemon, but... I still have a few "secret" ones left. Tonight, I'm not really going to a big party, but we are having a friend over. It's hard to believe that it'll be 2016 in some hours! My New Year's Resolutions for 2016? Getting a >New< 3DS, finishing up catching all the Pokemon, and getting every Star Wars digitally! And I will try to make a bigger blogging year! Goodbye, 2015! And I hope you guys have a wonderful New Year!

Announcement: In January, I will make a post called My Thoughts on Star Wars: The Force Awakens {[(SPOILERS!!!)]} so look forward to that!

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