Friday, December 25, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 12: Christmas 2015!

Today, Sophie woke me up early. After everyone got up, we opened stockings. Along with candy and things, I got a cute stout little Kylo Ren plush, which talks if you press his chest!

a pair of BB-8 socks, which match my BB-8 shirt,

and a Finn action figure! My dad suggested to keep it in its box so it can increase value (although my mom says that'll be probably in 40 years)
After that, we decided to attempt to sit through the entire Star Wars Holiday Special, and it was so bad... it was entertaining! After less than an hour of watching, we ate breakfast, which was pancakes, and then we went to opening presents! I got a Pokemon Deluxe Essential Handbook, which is basically a physical Pokedex in alphabetical order!
The Beatrice Letters by Lemony Snicket, which is an intriguing A Series of Unfortunate Events spinoff!
a Star Wars: The Force Awakens soundtrack!
a Star Wars Trivia Game, which tests your Star Wars knowledge and is quite fun!
a Japanese Shulk amiibo, which is sold out at retail stores but is sold for more at online stores, plus it's awesome!
and the best one of all... a pre-order to a digital copy of the movie... STAR WARS THE FORCE AWAKENS!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!! I get to own my favorite Star Wars movie in spring 2016! This also comes with a few cool posters, too!

After that, we finished the Holiday Special. And when that was over, we played the Star Wars Trivia Game, and we had a lot of fun! After our game, we made a new version of the game where we play only one aspect and put it to elimination!

After that, we played some Smash, and then we finished Tomorrowland. I would say that movie is pretty positive. And we played a lot more Smash. That was fun. We cleaned up, and they left. It felt like the day was finished, even at around 5, when I started this post. But the festivities don't end today! Tomorrow, I am going to see my dad, and he's got more gifts to unwrap, and we will have fun! Merry Christmas!

On the 12th day of Christmas, these things happened to me:
Christmas came,
Christmas Eve came, 
I did a White Elephant gift exchange,
we made Christmas sweets, 
I went caroling at a nursing home
I went to Andrew's party,
I saw The Force Awakens again...
I watched The Force Awakens,
I went to Wednesday homegroup
I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
and I made Christmas card art with glee!

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