Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015!

So, 2015! That was a good year. Some things didn't go the way I wanted to but I like all years. For this blog... It larger than last year, but I was... lazier.  I didn't write about certain things like moving, and fun parties I had. But in December I made a lot more posts than the other months, because of the 12 Days of Christmas! series. Did I accomplish both my New Year's Resolutions? No! Not entirely! I have read my Bible almost every day, but not completely. I did get a reward for catching all the Pokemon, but... I still have a few "secret" ones left. Tonight, I'm not really going to a big party, but we are having a friend over. It's hard to believe that it'll be 2016 in some hours! My New Year's Resolutions for 2016? Getting a >New< 3DS, finishing up catching all the Pokemon, and getting every Star Wars digitally! And I will try to make a bigger blogging year! Goodbye, 2015! And I hope you guys have a wonderful New Year!

Announcement: In January, I will make a post called My Thoughts on Star Wars: The Force Awakens {[(SPOILERS!!!)]} so look forward to that!

Friday, December 25, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 12: Christmas 2015!

Today, Sophie woke me up early. After everyone got up, we opened stockings. Along with candy and things, I got a cute stout little Kylo Ren plush, which talks if you press his chest!

a pair of BB-8 socks, which match my BB-8 shirt,

and a Finn action figure! My dad suggested to keep it in its box so it can increase value (although my mom says that'll be probably in 40 years)
After that, we decided to attempt to sit through the entire Star Wars Holiday Special, and it was so bad... it was entertaining! After less than an hour of watching, we ate breakfast, which was pancakes, and then we went to opening presents! I got a Pokemon Deluxe Essential Handbook, which is basically a physical Pokedex in alphabetical order!
The Beatrice Letters by Lemony Snicket, which is an intriguing A Series of Unfortunate Events spinoff!
a Star Wars: The Force Awakens soundtrack!
a Star Wars Trivia Game, which tests your Star Wars knowledge and is quite fun!
a Japanese Shulk amiibo, which is sold out at retail stores but is sold for more at online stores, plus it's awesome!
and the best one of all... a pre-order to a digital copy of the movie... STAR WARS THE FORCE AWAKENS!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!! I get to own my favorite Star Wars movie in spring 2016! This also comes with a few cool posters, too!

After that, we finished the Holiday Special. And when that was over, we played the Star Wars Trivia Game, and we had a lot of fun! After our game, we made a new version of the game where we play only one aspect and put it to elimination!

After that, we played some Smash, and then we finished Tomorrowland. I would say that movie is pretty positive. And we played a lot more Smash. That was fun. We cleaned up, and they left. It felt like the day was finished, even at around 5, when I started this post. But the festivities don't end today! Tomorrow, I am going to see my dad, and he's got more gifts to unwrap, and we will have fun! Merry Christmas!

On the 12th day of Christmas, these things happened to me:
Christmas came,
Christmas Eve came, 
I did a White Elephant gift exchange,
we made Christmas sweets, 
I went caroling at a nursing home
I went to Andrew's party,
I saw The Force Awakens again...
I watched The Force Awakens,
I went to Wednesday homegroup
I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
and I made Christmas card art with glee!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 11: Christmas Eve!

Today I woke up from my accidentally 7:30-set alarm. It was Christmas Eve! I played some Smash, and cleaned up a few things. After surfing the internet, mom left and I wasn't supposed to use it while she was gone. I was told to clean up some more things. We were looking forward to my brothers and grandparents coming over early, but mom said they were busy and needed to come at 3:00 instead. Oh. But even more Oh. was that they had to come at 4:00 instead. Okay, I was verbally disappointed there, but it's 4:12 as I am writing this. So while I was waiting, Sophie and I listened to some Adventures in Odyssey episodes while playing a game we invented. Also, mom wrapped some gifts and put 'em down under the tree. Now I have some more Christmas Spirit in me! Bope, now Andrew and Isaiah are here! Charles and grandparents will be here later. And then they came! We had a lot of fun. First, we ate dinner. Then, we went to the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7 PM! After that, we opened some gifts from Grammie and Grandpa! I got a BB-8 T-shirt,

A LEGO Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi Buildable Figure,

3 things of beef jerky, (which two of them I ate)

and a Gamestop gift card!

After that, we did a Yankee Swap! You know what I got a few days ago? An Anikan's lightsaber toy! And I ended up with it!

After my grandparents left, Isaiah wanted to watch The Phantom Menace digitally, but mom didn't want to, and we couldn't purchase movies on our Wii U. Mom wanted to watch Tomorrowland, which was at Redbox, so Andrew went there. And they wanted me to watch it, so I reluctantly agreed. I can't say I enjoyed it just yet, because it's 1:15 in the morning and I should stop this. It was a good day today. Goodnight. Merry Christmas!

On the 11th day of Christmas, these things happened to me:
Christmas Eve came, 
I did a White Elephant gift exchange,
we made Christmas sweets, 
I went caroling at a nursing home
I went to Andrew's party,
I saw The Force Awakens again...
I watched The Force Awakens,
I went to Wednesday homegroup
I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
and I made Christmas card art with glee!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 10: White Elephant Gift Exchange!

Today, I woke up at 7:30 by my alarm, and we went early to the church. My mom cleaned it up, and I helped a little bit before I watched a movie I have not seen in ages. I didn't finish it because our friends came and we wanted to play with them. We had fun playing Pictionary Telephone. After that, we went to multiple stores for some last last minute Christmas-shopping. We came home finally and I finished my post for yesterday. Today we were going to a White Elephant gift exchange, which is basically a Yankee Swap, but you use stuff you don't really care about but you think somebody else might like. And this was at the church pastor's house. We went there, and we ate dinner, we sang Christmas songs, and there it began.
Turns out it wasn't as much of a White Elephant exchange as I thought. I heard that we have the choice to buy something or get something from home, but it seemed like 80% of the gifts were bought. And there was candles. Lots and lots of candles. I got a book, then traded it for a giant thing of soda, then that unfortunately got traded for a cheese grater, and then got traded for a couple necklaces. So yeah. The gift I brought was a Super Shadow the Hedgehog small figure that I had for a long time. Which ended up in the hands of a little boy who accidentally broke the head off. Serves me right. Oh well, it was a fun Yankee Swap.

On the 10th day of Christmas, these things happened to me:
I did a White Elephant gift exchange, 
we made Christmas sweets, 
I went caroling at a nursing home,
I went to Andrew's party
I saw The Force Awakens again...
I watched The Force Awakens
I went to Wednesday homegroup
I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
and I made Christmas card art with glee!

12 Days of Christmas! Day 9: Peppermint Bark and Gingerbread Houses!

Yesterday our friends came over and we made gingerbread houses! Yup. I've gotten too lazy to make a big 12 Days of Christmas! post. We struggled to keep it up, but ultimately we finished them. Here's ours.

After that, we frosted cookies! One funny thing to note was when they came out of the oven they got darker every batch. I wasn't that good at frosting. Here's mine.
Oh yeah! And we made peppermint bark! We hammered ziploc bags of peppermint until it was powder.
And then we put a tray of liquid chocolate in the freezer. After it's solid, we put peppermint powder on it and leave it in the freezer again. Here's the finished product.

After they left we went to a couple stores to do some last-minute Christmas-shopping, and one of the gifts I bought was for another Yankee Swap. After that, we went to the church to hang out with friends and then I was dropped off to the pastor's house to go to a teen homegroup Bible study... only to find that not much else was coming and then the host canceled it. But the people who were there and I played Smash Bros. Brawl. And we had fun.

On the 9th day of Christmas, these things happened to me: We made Christmas sweets, I went caroling at a nursing home, I went to Andrew's party, I saw The Force Awakens again... I WENT CAROLING! I watched The Force Awakens, I went to Wednesday homegroup, I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and I made Christmas card art with glee!

Monday, December 21, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 8: Caroling at the Nursing Home!

Today, I woke up around 8:30 and I did my journal for yesterday. Later on, I looked online for a gift for our Yankee Swap in January. After a while, um, something. Oh yeah. I bought it. Later we went caroling at a nursing home. We sang songs like Joy to the World and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. I learned a new song, which was The Little Drummer Boy. We got home, and later I showed mom some of the Star Wars Bad Lip Readings. Later (My gosh, there are a lot of Laters) I made a video called The Movie Thrown Together in 15 Minutes. Here it is.
After a while (Wow, there are also a lot of After a whiles too!) mom said I should take a break from the computer. I did, and I listened to Star Wars soundtracks on Spotify. And I used the computer a ton today. There were some things that I wanted  to do today, but I was too lazy to do 'em. Goodnight.

On the 8th day of Christmas, these things happened to me: I went caroling at a nursing home, I went to Andrew's party, I saw The Force Awakens again... I WENT CAROLING! I watched The Force Awakens, I went to Wednesday Homegroup, I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and I made Christmas card art with glee!

12 Days of Christmas! Day 7: Andrew's Party!

Yesterday, we went to church. Yeah. We did absolutely nothing before that. Yes we did. But they are not worth noting. The pastor's message was partially not what I wanted to hear, but powerful. Then again, life isn't always what you wanna hear. We stayed for an extra hour, and then we went over to grammie's house to clean stuff for a party that was going on later. While mom was cleaning, I watched a recording of AFV on her DVR. In the middle of that, Isaiah came and we decided to play Star Wars Battlefront! I'm not as good as Isaiah is at it but I'm not terrible! After mom cleaned, they had the party! But we were in it too! First, we talked about The Force Awakens. Then, we did a Yankee Swap. I got a Rock and Roll Encyclopedia, which I traded for Hickory Smoked Beef Jerky. I ate it all afterwards. XD. Sophie got a lightsaber toy, which she traded for candy. And the guy who got the lightsaber afterwards said "Merry Christmas. Catch!" And he threw the lightsaber to me! Very nice of him! This lightsaber is the one Luke wields in Return of the Jedi!

After that, we played a game called Pictionary Telephone, where everyone has a piece of paper and writes a sentence, then we all pass our papers to the next person. Then, we draw a picture of the sentence, and then it goes back and forth until a sentence like "I don't want your sass. You gonna teach me to glue something?" becomes "They like giving away propeller candles!" That was real fun. After that, we played a couple rounds of regular telephone, and then we went home. It was way too late, so I couldn't write this that night.

On the 6th day of Christmas, these things happened to me: I went to Andrew's party, I saw Force Awakens again... I WENT CAROLING! I watched The Force Awakens, I went to Wednesday homegroup, I did Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, and I made Christmas card art with glee!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

12 Days of Christmas Day 6: The Force Awakens Again!

Today I woke up around 7 AM. Mom wanted to wake up early, but she just kept sleeping in. She got up finally and then she told me it had snowed. Okay, whatever. After a period of Youtube binge-watching, we left to clean the church briefly. Then we went to see dad and grandma! We mostly watched Youtube videos, but dad gave us special "micropresents" before Christmas. He gave us each $50 (Well, me $49 but still) and a Cinemagic gift card. We also ordered some stuffing late lunch. Later, we watched AFV, and that was funny. After that, we went to grammie's briefly and then went to see... Star Wars: The Force Awakens again! This time not just with brothers but with mom! The second time it was still amazing. Oh yeah. We went home and it was really late. So I made this post and I went to bed.

On the 6th day of Christmas, these things happened to me: I saw Force Awakens again... I WENT CAROLING! I watched The Force Awakens, I went to Wednesday homegroup, I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and I made Christmas card art with glee!

Friday, December 18, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 5: Caroling!

Today, Sophie woke me up around 10, and I fell asleep and then mom woke me up at 11. So mom said today was a light school day. Great! After a while, I got to school with reading. Mom left to the store briefly, and we were supposed to stay on the same floor, and Sophie was watching The Muppets, so I had to sit uncomfortably in a closet. After that, I continued my history test, and did very little because I got very distracted. And then I almost finished my Pearl Harbor report. So it was a lighter school day than mom wanted it to be. After that, we went to Sophie's horseback-riding class, which I've never been to before. Turns out this is Sophie's first time riding by herself!

We went home briefly, ate dinner, and went to the church for a special Youthgroup. This time we were going Christmas carols! We went caroling around the neighborhood and sang songs like Joy to the World and Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. That was fun, but really cold. When we came back for hot choco, there wasn't just that, but gingerbread cookies that you could frost!

And I had too much of it. Mom vaccumed the church for a while and then we came home. It was late. So I finished this blog post (with some distractions) and went to bed.

On the 5th day of Christmas, these things happened to me: I WENT CAROLING! I watched The Force Awakens, I went to Wednesday homegroup, I did Brazillian Jiu Jitsu and I made Christmas card art with glee! 

12 Days of Christmas! Day 4: Star Wars: The Force Awakens!

(Sorry I didn't post this yesterday... I came home too late)
Yesterday, I got up around 8:30 and after a while, I started school with reading Star Wars Jedi Apprentice: The Dark Rival. chapters 1 and 2. Those were short. After that, I cleaned the bathrooms, and then wrapped a gift for Christmas.
After mom got off the computer, I finally got to math... and I was way too sidetracked. I started at around 12 PM and ended at around 2 PM. And it wasn't a whole math lesson! I continued school after that. Then we went to the church to do art class! We didn't finish the Christmas cards on Monday, so they told us to come again today on Thursday to do that. We went there, and we didn't really "finish" the Christmas cards, but we cut the art out and glued it on folded paper.

After that, we made new art on a Christmas card for a neat flower. I am not proud of it, but other people liked it.
While we were there, me and my art class teacher talked about Star Wars. one of the the things she told me was that she actually went to Tunisia in Africa, where the Tatooine parts of A New Hope were filmed! I'm jealous! So we finished art class, and mom told me we were going to Job Lots for Christmas shopping. She told me that they have everything there! And I was like... "No they don't! I've been there!" but she went anyway. Turns out it was farther than she thought. But then I saw Charles here, and I was like what a coincidence! And then he told me "We're going to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens!" And I was like "Are you serious??" What added even more to the surprise was that I thought people could only watch The Force Awakens on the 17th if they're lucky winners or something. Oh my gosh! First, we went to Wendy's and ate dinner there. And then we went to Target to look at stuff while we're waiting to see the movie. Then we went to Cinemagic around an hour early.

There was a big line that didn't budge for a while, and then it moved quickly. While we were in the theater, watching the ads, Andrew and Isaiah came to watch, too! The movie? ... ... ... Without spoilers, it was the most awe-inspiring experience in a movie ever. I was blown away. AND I'M GONNA SEE IT AGAIN ON SATURDAY!!

We went to Andrew and Isaiah's house, and we watched some hilarious videos called Star Wars Bad Lip Readings. Then Charles brought me home REALLY late. And I went to sleep around 3:00 AM.

On the 4th day of Christmas, these things happened to me: I saw The Force Awakens, I went to Wednesday homegroup, I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and I made Christmas card art with glee!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 3: Wednesday Homegroup!

Last night, mom told me to get up at 8:00 AM because she was leaving then. So I set my alarm for then. But mom woke me up at, like, 7:55. And then my alarm got me up at 8:00 AM. After a while, I started school with math, but it took so long that I had to do only half of it. After that, I washed the dishes. But I didn't dry them. I did some other school stuff, but I couldn't do reading because I had left my book in the car, which mom had taken. Also while she was gone, I filmed some footage for a movie that I was putting on Facebook. When mom came home, I played Splatoon and Smash Bros. Wii U online with Isaiah. We had fun. After that, I did more school. Reading was notable as the ending was... dissapointing. 
After school, I uploaded my video I was working on. Finally! And just in time! After that, I bought the character that came out yesterday on Smash... Cloud! I played Classic Mode and got used to the character. Ah, I'm getting so distracted by other stuff on the internet... I should get to tonight! So tonight I went to our church homegroup! On Wednesdays, this was the adult homegroup, So I hung out with my friends and we talked Star Wars. That was fun. Goodnight. That was too quick. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

On the third day of Christmas, these things happened to me: I went to Wednesday homegroup, I did Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, and I made Christmas card art with glee! 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 2: Shopping and the Last Smash News and Jiu Jitsu Class!

Last night, mom warned me that there would be consequences if I didn't get out of bed at 8:30. So I woke up at 7:45 and got out of bed at 8:30. I had my blanket on for a while until I brought it back up. I read my Bible chapter, which was the first chapter of James, and a good one. Then, I started writing down a verse when I realized... Today was the day the Star Wars Phantom Menace VHS auction was ending! Aaaah! Mom quickly logged me into the computer and I bid at the very last minute... Only to be outbid. Well, The Force Awakens is coming out in 3 days, and more people are buying Star Wars movies to catch up! Oh well. I started math, which was lesson 38, where we were freeing unknown numbers from fractions, if you know what I mean. I started at 10:15 and tried to get it done by 11:15, but I got distracted by mom talking to me about grocery shopping and Christmas shopping. And doing the laundry. So mom gave me an extra 15 minutes, but I didn't finish. After that, I finished my Pearl Harbor report rough draft. We had 2 hours and 45 minutes before we left to go shopping. So I continued with Language Arts for 1 hour. This chapter of The Hiding Place was the most interesting of them all. After that, did more math. After that, I did a little bit of a history test. I spent more time looking for it than doing it. After that, science. Not much to say about that. Oh wait, I couldn't finish it. I was 1: distracted and 2: we were leaving sooner than later.
We went to Dollar General. Before we got there, I read Star Wars: Queen of the Empire chapters 5-6 for my last school subject. And the plot thickens on those chapters! I got a couple Christmas gifts for someone (wait 'til Christmas to find out!) After that, we went to a car wash. I haven't been there in ages. It was entertaining to watch. After that, the grocery store. And we stayed there for a long time. Turns out we were not shopping anymore 'til after Christmas, so this one was big. We needed two carts to take the bags out! After that, we went to Target to get a gift for someone who was listed on an Angel Tree. After that, finally... home at last at around 6 PM. But not for long. I ate dinner, and I watched the final Smash presentation. They revealed more info on Cloud, and they said he would be released today. Great! Take my $6! Also, they revealed a couple other characters. One of them was Corrin, from the Fire Emblem Fates series, which looks pretty fun and different from the other Fire Emblem characters. But after that was the ballot winner... BAYONETTA?????????????? WHY???????? WHY DO YOU CHOOSE SUCH A NASTY CHARACTER???????????????????????????? Well, at least I don't have to buy her.

After that, we went to my last Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class at the YMCA. Sorry I don't have any pictures of it. So I learned some interesting moves, and we rolled for a while. Not literally. It means practicing what we learned with doing matches. The people I practiced with put up a fight! They were challenging. So I came home, and I ate a ton of chips, finished up my Star Wars video, and took a shower and went to bed.

On the second day of Christmas, these things happened to me: I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and I made Christmas card art with glee!

Monday, December 14, 2015

12 Days of Christmas! Day 1: Christmas Card Art Class!

Guess what! I'm starting a new series on my blog! Technically, it's nothing new, because I've done it before a couple years ago on my old, outdated blog but it's new on here! For 12 days from December 14-25 I am posting public journals with pictures on this blog! One big difference with this and the one I did a couple years ago was that the old one was littered with Youtube videos of what I watched or played. And this won't be. Rather, I'll post pictures of what I watched or played. Enjoy!

Today, I woke up to my 3DS alarm at 8:30, and hit the snooze button multiple times. I got up around 9:15. It started as an average school day, where I started out with silent reading, which was chapters 3-4 of Star Wars: Queen of the Empire by Paul Davis and Hollis Davis. Those chapters were interesting and funny. After that, I ate a couple snacks, and I did my Bible reading, which was Hebrews 12-13 and Jude. Those chapters were interesting and healthy. After that, I did my math.

And while I was doing math, I ate lunch, which was Ramen soup. Mom told me at around 3:15 we were leaving to the library before we go to the church for a special art class session for making Christmas cards. So at 2 PM I had an hour and 15 minutes to finish school. I started out with doing more of my rough draft for a report on the Pearl Harbor attack. Next, I did my Language Arts, which was finishing a chapter of The Hiding Place, answering questions on it, taking vocabulary from it, and other stuff. But I got a headache, so I took a shower and I couldn't finish it. We also couldn't go to the library before the art class. We went to the church, and the art class was fresh and fun! We did things like rolling paint on a board then printing it on paper, and doing the same with a gel board! Here are the ones I made. 

After that, we went to Subway and Sophie and mom had dinner from there while I had Chunky Soup for dinner. Throughout the day I played the video games Pokémon Ruby, Super Smash Bros 3DS and Splatoon. The game I most played was Smash 3DS, where I beat Classic Mode on the highest difficulty for the second time ever! After I wrote these words, we played a special game where we each pick a book and take turns taking sentences from them and putting them into a silly story. Here's the one we did today:

There was once a little girl named Mary. They both lay back on the steps.After talking for a few minutes, I said, "Tom, you obviously run a pretty good business." "Oh, no!" There were some sounds that slowly faded away. Once the kids were back in the car, they all started chanting, "McDonalds! McDonalds!" Then John saw something. Right then, though he really wasn't being careful; he just wanted the guys to agree with him. You'll find some terrific deals at estate sales and auctions but you have to be careful. All this time Grandmother was busy. If you think Chris and Willy should leave and come back some other time, turn to page 8. Also, if you;re sitting in a big mess right now and simply cannot afford to make even the minimum payments on your debt, don't lose hope! Mary lay in bed and didn't have to do a thing. Christ took a deep breath. "Gotta buy a house! Gotta buy a house! Mary is getting a little stronger every day," he said.
Taken from the books Busy Times, The Hidden Staircase, and Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money.

What did you think? Crazy, huh? Well, we had fun. Mom said it was her least favorite of the ones we did, but it was still funny. I found out that Facebook is doing a special thing where you take your profile picture and put a lightsaber in it to show that you are a true Star Wars fan. Coincidently, I already had a profile pic that had me covering my right eye with a Subway glowstick lightsaber, so that fit perfectly.
After that, I worked on my video My Top 6 Favorite Star Wars Movies, which I'm hoping to upload to Youtube tomorrow. And it's getting late now, so I should get to bed. Goodnight.

On the first day of Christmas, this thing happened to me: I made Christmas card art with glee.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Sorry about the low posting rate

The way I'm blogging right now... Is kinda lazy. I'm blogging whenever I feel like it. There were a few things I wanted to blog about, but I decided ultimately to scrap those. I just didn't feel like it. So sorry, I won't be posting on this blog quite as much anymore.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Sorry, this trailer is the best official trailer I have ever seen, and I can't wait to see this awesome movie. This trailer still tries to keep it vague with its dialogue but you can still get an idea of what the movie is about. Tickets are now available by the way.

Alright, let's analyze this trailer.

This trailer opens with Rey in a strange mask. And I know it's her because I have the LEGO set for her speeder. The question is, why is she wearing it? Was she some sort of bounty hunter? Nah...

Next, she's trying to get through some dark, big metal junk. I wanted to analyze this whole trailer myself and not rely on other analysis videos, but I happened to be watching one briefly because I thought it was something else. According to that video, she's trying to get through a crashed Super Star Destroyer. Is she salvaging parts?

"Who are you?"
"I'm no one."
Looks like Rey's got some low self-esteem... She's worse off than Luke on the Tatooine farm! Speaking of Tatooine, Rey seems to be living on the desert planet of Jakku. And BB-8 is her droid.

"I was raised to do one thing... but I've got nothing to fight for."
Finn? What do you mean? What is this one thing? Fight for the First Order? I'm not sure on that one. Also, how did your Special Forces TIE Fighter just explode like that? Did the First Order shoot you down after your betrayal? Also, Jakku from the atmosphere.

"Nothing will stand in our way... I will finish... what you started."
So Kylo Ren wants to finish up destroying the Jedi for Darth Vader? Huh. So THAT's why this First Order thing exists and has so much similarity to the Empire. Also, who has Vader's helmet? That doesn't look like Resistance headquarters.

Kylo Ren! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO POE???? Are you force-choking him?! Are you trying to read his mind? It's something that's angering him, that's for sure.

Whoa whoa whoa... Is that new Death Star-ish thingy on the poster destroying a planet?

"Those stories about what happened..."
"It's true... all of it. The dark side... the Jedi... they're real."
I guess 30 years is enough time for the Jedi to become just a big legend. Does this mean, along with him not being on the poster, that Luke at some point went into exile instead of starting a new legion of Jedi? WHAT???

Also, that hologram. What are you doing with it? There are planets on it, so I'm guessing you're looking for a planet to travel to.

HYPERSPACE!!!! I guess they're going from Jakku to that... forest planet.

Those Stormtroopers are in metal ruins. Did they destroy the Resistance base on the forest planet?

What is that place that Finn, Han Solo and BB-8 are walking into? Looks very decorated, looks very old. Also, where have I seen that strange-looking droid before? Oh yeah, it was a Separatist security droid from the Clone Wars movie! What is it doing here?

What is Rey dunking her head in? And why is she sad? Uh... did somebody die?

Why are Han, Chewie and Finn getting their heads out of their shoulders? Were they taken prisoner briefly?

Apparently, BB-8 becomes Poe's droid... Well, I already knew that, with the LEGO set Poe's X-Wing Fighter. But why?

Rey uses a gun?

FINN IS A JEDI, AND FIGHTS KYLO REN?????????????? I already knew about the Jedi part from the posters. Well, good luck with the duel. Kylo Ren seems to be a bit too worthy for an opponent.

"The Force... It's calling to you......................... just let it in."
Wait a minute... I didn't know midichlorians could enter a life-form by "calling to you" and you "just letting it in"!

Well, this movie is gonna be awesome. I hope nobody gets their hopes way too high, as with Phantom Menace as the majority hates this movie. It's kinda like Nintendo's E3 2015 conference. Everyone got their hopes up. Well, see you next post!

...whenever that is.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I'm back into LEGOs!

Well, I'm back on my blog! Isn't that great? Sorry I didn't post on here for most of the summer, I was working on a personal summer journal instead.

One of the biggest interests that I have been into on and off along with Sonic was LEGO Star Wars. I usually got out of it by stopping care for my sets. And when I get back into it, I always regret it.

Recently, I've been playing some LEGO Star Wars games, and I had fun and nostalgia. And then when I went to Walmart, and I looked at the LEGOs, I saw it. LEGO STAR WARS 7 SETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My gosh, I was surprised. And that's what really got me into LEGOs again. Well, lately I've been listening to Star Wars music in bed, looking at old stop motions I made, playing with the boxed LEGOs we had, going to the LEGO isle at Walmart, and checking out the official site. I made a couple LEGO creations, and here's one.

Yup. And I'm currently working on a LEGO stop motion! It'll probably be a week before I finish. 
Also, I have a number of sets I want to save up for/wish for on Christmas and birthdays.

Well, I'm back into LEGOs. Welllllllllllllll see you next post!